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I have published research in the field of stress management, emotion management, and police leadership and I continue to engage in pioneering research which aims to help people navigate the challenges of performing well and maintaining psychological health.
Turner, M. J., Chadha, N, J., Davis, H., Deen, M. S., Gilmore, H., Jones, J. K., Goldman, S., & Terjesen, M. (2022)
At the coalface: Practitioner perspectives on applying rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) in high-performance sport. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy.
Jones J. K., Turner M., (2022)
Making a difference: A review and auto-ethnographic account of applying Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) in policing. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy.
Turner, M. J., Wood, A. G., Boatwright, D., Chadha, N., Jones, J. K., & Bennett, R. (2021)
Assessing beliefs about emotion generation and change: The conceptualisation, development, and validation of the Cognitive Mediation Beliefs Questionnaire (CMBQ). Psychotherapy Research, 1-18.
Jones, J. K., Turner, M. J., & Barker, J. B. (2020)
The effects of a cognitive-behavioural stress intervention on the motivation and psychological well-being of senior UK police personnel. International Journal of Stress Management. (In press)
Forsyth, J. J., Jones, J., Duval, L., & Bambridge, A. (2019)
Opportunities and barriers that females face for study and employment in sport.
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 24, 80-89.
Turner, M., Wood, A., & Jones, J. (2019)
Response to Philip Hyland, Demetris Katsikis, and Chrysoula Kostogiannis on the debate point concerning the binary theory of emotional distress. Effective Scientist-Practitioner, 2.
Turner, M., Jones, J., & Wood, A. (2018)
Applying the REBT cognitive disputation technique to the binary theory of emotional distress.
Effective Scientist-Practitioner, 1(1), 46-64.
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