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Note To Self
Short Notes on Psychology To Keep Your Thinking On Track

Dr Jenni McArthur
May 16, 20241 min read
Disorder is Distraction
I think this sentence in the first few pages of Andre Agassi's Autobiography "Open" is striking.

Dr Jenni McArthur
May 9, 20241 min read
Why should I?
This week’s short "Note to Self" to keep your thinking on track…
"Why should I?" An often voiced protest I hear in the face of unfairness,

Dr Jenni McArthur
Apr 30, 20241 min read
"Same Paging It"
This week’s short "Note to Self" to keep your thinking on track…
Can you think of any words that you use in your profession without questio

Dr Jenni McArthur
Apr 17, 20241 min read
Always Tinted
What you perceive is always tinted. Your perception relies on cues that are informed by your experience. The reality is always different....

Dr Jenni McArthur
Mar 28, 20241 min read
The Over-Rated Art of Performing Under Pressure.
This week’s short "Note to Self" to keep your thinking on track… The ability to be able to perform under pressure is over-rated. It's...

Dr Jenni McArthur
Jan 19, 20244 min read
The Art of Changing Your Mind
George Benard Shaw once wrote, "Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything". In biological science, it's clear how change...
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